
A little known fact is that having a robust logo merchandise program can help ensureyour craft brewing operations will reach profitability much faster!   The average brewery can bring in excess of $100,000 to $250,000 annually with a combination of an on-site store and vibrant tasting room.

Many visitors have traveled from far away just to taste your award winning Session IPA, German Kolsch or Special Porter.  While happily sipping samples in your tasting room they soon look around for a chance to purchase a t-shirt, hoodie, pint glass or other items to take home as a souvenir of their visit. Your brewery can gain great brand recognition in the marketplace as your “true believers” proudly wear their swag all around town. 

We have discovered that incredible value can be generated from an early investment in merchandise.  The cash expended upfront is money well spent and will yield both positive financial returns and increased brand awareness.  Most important, this incremental revenue can be secured with limited upfront cash outlay from your team. 

Our Craft Beer Insights team can provide critical guidance on how to establish a winning merchandise program for both on-site and on-line sales.  We provide turnkey services for all aspects including design, front-end display, inventory management and sales promotions.


  • Innovative Designs – We can help you choose from a group of standardized designs or work with your team to create a customized creation. These items can then be ordered and drop shipped directly to your brewery’s door.
  • Tasting Room Setup – We can help your team assess exactly where and how to most effectively display your merchandise offerings. We evaluate what types of products are in the greatest demand and will likely sell best over time given our experience.
  • On-Line Presence–We can assist your team in developing a virtual store via the Internet to reach “fans” far and wide. These individuals become your brand ambassadors spread word of your amazing beers and paying you for the privilege.
  • Pricing Strategy –We identify the best way to price your merchandise to maximize interest. Our team has deep knowledge of the most effective methods to maximize your returns with the minimum investment